
Thank you so much for your interest in working with me. I'm in the midst of transition and making some big changes to my business so I am not currently accepting new clients at this time. But I invite you to join my mailing list to be among the first to know about these exciting changes.

In deep gratitude,



Working together has made a difference in my life and love life. I have SO much more clarity around what I want in a relationship now – what my deal breakers are or not. I now know exactly the type of man I am looking for, and exactly the type of relationship I envision for myself .

Working with you has also reminded me to cultivate and strengthen the relationship with myself! I am so much more self-aware around what I need to work on when it comes to my own self esteem…

Your compassion, support, and encouragement is truly priceless. You are such a kind and patient soul and will always be on your clients’ side to help them realize the best versions of themselves.

~ Amanda