Am I ultimately going to be happy with him? Is this relationship going to be fulfilling for me in the long term? I know these are really big questions when we’re considering someone as a possible long-term partner. Those, among other questions, were the hard questions that I grappled with before deciding to commit to […]
Dating a Divorced Man
36 Questions to Help You Decide Whether You Should Stay or You Should Go
The truth is, there are no hard and fast rules about compatibility, and whether you should stay or go. Unless, of course, you’re in an abusive relationship—In which case, there is NEVER a reason to stay if you are being physically or emotionally abused. But what if you’re experiencing challenges in your relationship and are […]
What to Expect When Dating a Divorced Dad
Regardless of what stage of divorce he is in, there are always potential long-term realities to be aware of when dating a divorced man or a divorced man with children. Not every divorce or relationship has these qualities, but they are things to consider as you think about whether you want to be with him […]