“Am I being too picky with guys?” “How do I know if I’m settling??” I hear these questions in my client sessions often. These questions are very closely related because they stem from the same issue: unmet needs. If you’re passing on dating some men, it’s likely because you’ve seen or experienced with your date […]
Ask Melissa
Not a Priority in His Life? How to Turn It Around.
Dear Melissa, I have been dating a divorced dad for a little over 3 months. We live 45 minutes away from each other. He has 50/50 custody of his kids (11 & 14) I have full custody of mine (16 & 22). Since he got 50/50 (March 2019) we went from seeing each other three […]
My Boyfriend Doesn’t Have a Sex Drive. What Do I Do?
Dear Melissa, I am widowed after four years and I reconnected with a childhood friend two years ago. We are living together. He’s very generous and affectionate, but extremely low sex drive. I’ve had long discussions with him to let him know how it makes me feel and listened to his explanations. He claims spiritual […]
He’s Not Ready for a Relationship. Should I Wait or Move On?
Dear Melissa, My friend says his life is a mess after his high profile divorce. His divorce was finalized 9 months ago, and he has full custody of his kids. He is an amazing father, brother, son, and friend. We care for each other and are definitely attracted to the other. We have even kissed […]
What Should I Do If My Boyfriend Keeps Lying to Me?
Dear Melissa, Here’s my thing: I think my boyfriend is lying to me. I think he deletes all his ex’s texts. This has been going on for thirteen years, and I don’t think it will ever stop. The kids are old enough to tell him there is a problem. I’m not jealous of her but […]