Today’s article is in response to a question from a reader (via Ask Melissa!) about what to do when he says he doesn’t know what he wants and needs time to figure himself out. In my response, I provide guidance on how to approach this question, including what he really means when he says he […]
He’s Not Ready for a Relationship but Doesn’t Want to Lose Me
Today’s article is in response to a question from a reader (via Ask Melissa!) about what to do when a guy says he’s not ready to commit but you’re in love with him AND he still wants to see you! In my response, I provide guidance on how to cut through the confusion, whether you […]
Will He Come Back When He’s Ready for a Relationship?
Today’s article is in response to a question from a reader (via Ask Melissa!) about whether she should reconnect with an ex-boyfriend when he’s more ready for a relationship, and whether there’s hope for a new relationship. In my response, I provide guidance on how to approach this question, whether there’s hope for her relationship, […]
Should My Boyfriend Go on Holiday with His Ex and Their Kids?
Today’s article is in response to a question from a reader (via Ask Melissa!) about whether it’s wrong for a guy to still go on vacations with his ex and their kids even though he claims he is separated from his wife. In my response, I provide insight into this question, what’s appropriate and what’s […]
My Boyfriend Doesn’t Talk to Me Like He Used To
Today’s article is in response to a question from a reader (via Ask Melissa!) about what to do when your boyfriend isn’t communicating with you like he used to and how to get him to open up.
Is Commitment Necessary in a Relationship? It Depends.
When I got married over five years ago, I wondered how things might be different after we tied the knot. Would it feel different? Would making a formal commitment really matter in our relationship?
Is He the One? How to Decide If You Should Make a Commitment (Part 2)
Years ago, when I was dating a divorcing man (who’s now my husband!), and our relationship was getting serious, I struggled with how to answer the questions “Is this relationship right for me? Is this man right for me?” After his divorce was final, we really started talking more seriously about a future together. Plus, […]
Is He the One? How to Decide If You Should Make a Commitment (Part 1)
“I don’t understand how anyone could overlook the hateful and misogynistic things he said — to say nothing of his policy views!” I heard one friend say of the United States’ president-elect. “Well, I don’t understand how anyone could overlook her email scandal and corruption! It’s just more of the same!” another friend countered when […]
When You’re in Love with Him but He Just Wants to Be Friends
Today’s article is in response to a question from a reader (via Ask Melissa!) about what to do if you’re in love with a man but he just wants to be friends. In my response, I provide guidance on how to approach this issue, including specific scenarios in which a friendship with your ex could […]
Why Is He Pushing Me Away If He Loves Me?
Today’s article is in response to a question from a reader (via Ask Melissa!) about understanding why her boyfriend is pushing her away, especially if he’s talking about having a future together. In my response, I provide insight into what’s really going on, the emotional trap that she needs to avoid, and whether she should […]