Dear Melissa, Here’s my thing: I think my boyfriend is lying to me. I think he deletes all his ex’s texts. This has been going on for thirteen years, and I don’t think it will ever stop. The kids are old enough to tell him there is a problem. I’m not jealous of her but […]
When His Ex Is Manipulating Him Through His Kids
Dear Melissa, How do you deal with an ex-wife of your husband’s who likes to manipulate him through their children? -Someone Sweet
Frustrated with Internet Dating? Top 5 Ways to Find Your Life Partner Without a Computer
In a new trend, singles are becoming increasingly disillusioned with internet dating and seeking alternatives. With millions of singles using the internet and the promises and success stories of online matchmaking websites, I’ve heard the same thing over and over from singles across the country who are frustrated with internet dating- “It’s great to have […]
We Argue All the Time. Should I Continue in This Relationship?
Dear Melissa, I’ve been dating a divorced man for almost 5 years. He has a son. We are now having problems with almost everything we talk about. I’ve been dating a divorced man for almost 5 years. He has a son. We are now having problems with almost everything we talk about. My boyfriend isn’t […]
When Your Ex Is Dating Someone Else and It Hurts (and How to Move On)
Dear Melissa, I need help healing a broken heart. Long story short… I met a man going through a divorce in 2012 with two young children. He was going through a divorce and I was trying to have a child on my own. We dated for 3 years and all was going well. But then […]
Should I Be Worried If He Hasn’t Said I Love You?
Dear Melissa, I’ve been separated from my husband for over 4 years. We have 2 children (15 and 12). Two years ago, I started seeing a wonderful man. He’s been separated about 4 years as well and also has 2 children around the same age as mine. Everything is going well! We’ve been taking things […]
Should I Tell Him I Want a Real Relationship?
Dear Melissa, Should I go ahead and ask this man to be in a relationship with me? He is divorced 5 years. He pursued me but I guess he got scared and retreated but I was already hooked. We continued to get close but I could feel him pushing away or not being as forthcoming […]
How Do You Know If You Can Trust Him?
Dear Melissa, If your boyfriend’s friends are sexist and still like to “party” despite the fact that they’re in their 40’s now, can you ever really trust him around them or entirely respect him for choosing to associate with such people? – Ulrika
His Ex-Wife’s Stuff Is Still in the House. Does He Still Have Feelings for His Ex?
Today’s article is in response to a question from a reader (via Ask Melissa!) about what to do when your man still has photos of his ex on Facebook and still has some of his ex’s belongings. Does it mean that he hasn’t moved on? In my response, I provide guidance on how to […]
When a Guy Says He Needs Time to Think, What Does That Mean?
Does the man you’re dating still have “unfinished business” with his ex-wife even though they’ve been divorced for a while? You thought that you were in the clear because he’s divorced. And then he tells you one of the worst things a man you’re totally into could tell you: He “needs some time apart” so […]