“I don’t understand how anyone could overlook the hateful and misogynistic things he said — to say nothing of his policy views!” I heard one friend say of the United States’ president-elect. “Well, I don’t understand how anyone could overlook her email scandal and corruption! It’s just more of the same!” another friend countered when […]
Dating Advice in General
When You’re in Love with Him but He Just Wants to Be Friends
Today’s article is in response to a question from a reader (via Ask Melissa!) about what to do if you’re in love with a man but he just wants to be friends. In my response, I provide guidance on how to approach this issue, including specific scenarios in which a friendship with your ex could […]
Why Is He Pushing Me Away If He Loves Me?
Today’s article is in response to a question from a reader (via Ask Melissa!) about understanding why her boyfriend is pushing her away, especially if he’s talking about having a future together. In my response, I provide insight into what’s really going on, the emotional trap that she needs to avoid, and whether she should […]
The Top Five Things That Can Ruin a Relationship — Before It Even Begins
I was excited to share my best advice on Maj Wismann’s blog post featuring “Tips from 62 Famous Relationship Experts” on the “top 3 relationship killers you need to avoid.” Below is an expanded version of the tips that I provided on her blog. Having awareness of these things is so important. These things can […]
5 MORE Signs the Divorced Man You’re Dating Has Long-Term Potential
If you found the previous article on signs that your partner has long-term potential helpful, here are five more signs that you should keep a look out for in your relationship, if you are trying to decide whether he’s right for you. Consider it a “thumbs up” if: He is Open to Growth and Change […]